
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

a poetry group

My best friend, her good friend, and myself have decided to start a group of the poetic sort that shall meet once a week for a solid hour of sharing our week's work, as well as creating assignments for each other to complete for the upcoming week's discussion. I cannot begin to express my excitement for this gathering; I have been workshopping my poetry with fellow creative writing students at SFSU for a good 3 semesters now and, don't get me wrong, but I am ready to experience some input of fresh-and-un-biased-by-"craft elements" perspective. Personally, I feel as though I used to enjoy certain aspects of my process of writing prior to subjecting myself to the public education system, and I am hoping that being involved in this small, but important, side project of our's will find the joys of creating that I seemed to have misplaced. Perhaps we shall call the group "St. Anthony" after the Saint that my mother (and therefore now, so do I) swears by praying to when she has lost something and is trying to locate its whereabouts.... and it always works, too.